New query params to retrieve the project hierarchy

bp hierarchical-multitenancy-improvements

Now that we have the base implementation of hierarchical multitenancy in place, we need to improve its robustness and usability by adding new features.

Problem Description

In the first version, we implemented the basic features for Hierarchical Multitenancy, which included the following:

  • Create a project hierarchy, through the addition of the parent_id field in the project table;
  • Get the project parents, subtree and full hierarchy;
  • Delete projects without children (leaf projects);
  • Grant/check/revoke role assignments that are inherited down the project hierarchy.

Adequate support to hierarchical multitenancy requires improvements such as the following:

  • Add a new format of a returned project hierarchy to better reflect the hierarchy (e.g., a hierarchy of dictionaries).

Proposed Change

The currently implemented GET /projects/{project_id}?subtree_as_list and GET /projects/{project_id}?parents_as_list calls return a nonstructured list containing the projects in the hierarchy for which the caller has access to. There are some use cases, for example, hierarchical quotas checking (, where the full hierarchy is needed, but only the projects IDs are necessary and not the complete project information. As the ID does not contain any sensitive information about the project, it could be returned without any constraints.

There are two major steps we need to do in order to improve the current implementation: the new GET /projects/{project_id}?subtree_ids and GET /projects/{project_id}?parents_ids calls.

  • The new GET /projects/{project_id}?subtree_ids call, which will return the subtree in the format of nested dictionaries, where every node will have the entries for its immediate children. Consider the following hierarchy:

    |           A            |
    |                        |
    |        /      \        |
    |                        |
    |       /        \       |
    |                        |
    |      B          C      |
    |                        |
    |    /   \       /  \    |
    |                        |
    |   /     \     /    \   |
    |                        |
    |  D       E   F      G  |
  • For this hierarchy, when a user requests the subtree_ids from the project A, the following information will be returned:

        "subtree": {
            "B": {
                "D": null,
                "E": null
            "C": {
                "F": null,
                "G": null
  • The same will be done for the GET /projects/{project_id}?parents_ids call. So if the user requests the parents_ids for project D, the following would be returned:

        "parents": {
            "B": {
                "A": null
  • There will be a constraint that prevents the user from passing “subtree_as_list” and “subtree_ids” filters simultaneously, as well as “parents_as_list” and “parents_ids”.



Security Impact


Notifications Impact


Other End User Impact

New API calls must be reflected on python-keystoneclient:

  • GET subtree_ids
  • GET parents_ids

Performance Impact


Other Deployer Impact


Developer Impact

New API calls will be available:

  • GET /projects/{project_id}?subtree_ids
  • GET /projects/{project_id}?parents_ids



Primary assignee:
  • Raildo Mascena raildo
Other contributors:
  • Rodrigo Duarte rodrigodsousa
  • Henrique Truta henrique-4
  • Samuel Medeiros samuelmdq
  • Adam Young ayoung

Work Items

  • Implement the new options to get the hierarchy: return the hierarchy using nested dictionaries.



Documentation Impact

We must update the API Documentation (Identity API v3) according to these changes.