Decouple Auth from API Version

bp move-auth-url

Currently Authentication is directly tied to the API version of Keystone. This means that we use /v3/auth and /v2.0/tokens as the respective locations for authentication. Authentication is a separate concern from the interaction with Keystone’s CRUD interfaces. To this extent, the location that handles authentication should be separated from the API versions.

Problem Description

With the move to isolate authentication (via the keystoneauth library) and generally cleanup how Keystone works from a end-user perspective, it would be an improvement to move to a /auth location to handle all authentication requests.

This has the added benefit of decoupling authentication responses from a specific API version. If an auth change is desired, the contract in data returned is not locked in as it is today, a new auth version can be created without changing the Keystone CRUD API, since auth is now decoupled.

Proposed Change

The change proposed here is to add /auth (at the root) as the primary location to handle authentication requests. Under this new location, authentication will occur the same as it works today with the following changes:

  • Requested version of auth (e.g. v2.0, v3, etc) can be requested in the post data body itself.
  • A get on /auth will display (for discovery purposes) what versions of auth are available.
  • /auth/catalog will be used for getting the catalog for a given token with appropriate filtering.
  • The default auth version will be v3, if no version is requested. The new keystoneauth library will be updated to always request the highest version it supports.
  • Validation will require an auth version to know what the token data should look like. This would default to the default version a token would be issued with.
  • Federation authentication would likewise move under /auth rather than having requirements to utilize resources under OS-FEDERATION.

The current auth locations would be wired up on the backend to the new auth system to ensure there is only 1 path authentication travels through. The old locations for authentication will be deprecated (but no plans for removal) until the whole API is deprecated (e.g. when V2.0 is removed, the /v2.0/tokens location will be removed, but not before).


The details on the specific API changes and more in-depth design will need to be addressed when this is moved from the backlog to the accepted spec location for a release.


No direct alternatives. New auth mechanisms/changes to data returned or how auth is handled would require a new URL location to handle requests in either case.

Security Impact

This change impacts where Authentication happens and could lead to changes in how tokens are handled. This means the new APIs will need to be evaluated for security gaps. Generally speaking security should not be impacted or isolated to a given auth version.

Notifications Impact

Notifcations would not be impacted.

Other End User Impact

  • This will change how authentication works, however the old systems will continue to function. With the use of keystoneauth as a library, the change should end up seamless to consumers of the new library.

Performance Impact

No performance impact.

Other Deployer Impact

Deployer specific impact should be minimal. External applications and services not using keystonemiddleware (which will use keystoneauth library, and therefore should be able to use the new auth mechanisms without extra overhead) will need to understand the new auth locations and how to authenticate.

In most cases this should be minimal as the old authentication locations will not be removed.

Developer Impact

Developers will need to be aware of how the new authentication APIs work. However, the impact should be minimal as the old authentication locations will continue to work. It will be recommended all auth start going through the new APIs.




Work Items

  • Implement new /auth routes (API TBD when moved off backlog)
  • Wire up old authentication routes to the new mechanisms so auth is handled in one place
  • Update clients and middleware to use new keystoneauth library.
  • Ensure keystoneauth library is capable of using the new auth locations.


This depends on keystoneauth becoming a real library and utilized in the clients and middleware.

Documentation Impact

Documentation on the new APIs will be needed.
